Controlled by Panties


First Experience

I suppose it was the closest I thought I'd get to having sex. A teenager without a girlfriend and with little self confidence I started wearing panties. I had a few pairs in those days. By far my favourite was a pink see through nylon page. Stroking myself through them was divine.

In Relationships

I've been lucky o have had two long term partners who encouraged my wearing of panties, even buying me some pairs, which really excited me. Hooking them under my balls and having a lovely fuck with a woman you love was an occasional thrill.

Controlled Fantasy

I find an open minded woman to love who INSISTS I wear panties as a mark of ownership and to emphasis that I am a submissive in the bedroom. She demands and I serve her needs first.

Not a true submissive lifestyle though. No. The lady is the priority and her pleasure my excitement. Say 25% of our physical relationship. The rest of the time, love-making in many forms, full of touches, the brushing of hair, the soft kiss on the cheek.

That's what I am CP on a regular basis.



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